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Zelda Williams (@zeldawilliams) • Fotos e vídeos do Instagram

Zelda Williams (@zeldawilliams) • Fotos e vídeos do Instagram: "Moonrise on the lake �� I spent this night shivering and laughing under a clear, cold sky full of stars with people I love just to witness something beautiful. We mooned the moon and laughed ourselves hoarse, and I'm so incredibly grateful for every silly second. I came to a realization this year that I feel compelled to share here, for whomsoever may need it: Avoiding fear, sadness or anger is not the same thing as being happy. I live my sadness every day, but I don't resent it anymore. Instead, I do it now so that the wonderful moments of joy I do find are not in order to forget, but to inhabit and enjoy for their own sake. It's not easy. In fact, I'd say it takes much more effort to consciously do than it does to just stay sad, but with all my heart, I cannot tell you how worth it it is. And for those suffering from depression, I know how dark and endless that tunnel can feel, but if happiness seems impossible to find, please hold on to the possibility of hope, faint though it may be. Because I promise you, there're enough nights under the same yellow moon for all of us to share, no matter how or when you find your way there."

'via Blog this'

Bom dia luz do dia
Obrigado por mais esse \o/

Não sei se estou sendo invasivo ao colar essa postagem e o Instagram da filha do Robin aqui, mas falei do Robin ontem, então achei por certo ter esse atitude .  Obrigado Zelda, por compartilhar seus sentimentos e sua mensagem. Muito amor pra você. Te amo sem te conhecer.

: )


Um Mártir de 3 anos de idade
Alemanha, limpando o seu passado
O Papa pedindo que abriguem refugiados
O Sírios carregam muito mais que sofrimento
Uma cultura rica e linda
A diversidade
Uma estrela a de brilhar
Ainda maiiiis

Humanos o humanos



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